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Embracing Uncertainty With Continuous Improvement

Commit to being better at getting better.

The systematic application of Lean or Continuous Improvement principles is a proven technique to strengthen businesses. Unfortunately, it's not a simple plug-and-play model. It requires a mindset that may include a cultural shift for your business. 


This Quality Digest article goes into some solid detail about how the Continuous Improvement process can make your company more agile in times of stress. For context, the author asks some questions about how your company responded to the COVID crisis. Many companies were able to quickly adapt their processes to new needs, demonstrating an agility that served them well. Some of that may have been luck, having the right equipment, supplies and/or people at the right time. Some of it was just plain grit. The way your business performed during this crisis however, may not be a predictor of how it will perform in the next crisis. Looking through a continuous improvement lens is one solid way to improve your ability to weather the next crisis that is sure to come. Ted Theyerl’s article does a good job of explaining how and why. 

For a no-cost assessment of how your company’s Lean approach can grow your agility, contact Steve Lockwood; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 315-777-0556.