Many manufacturers are working with a LOT of new employees on the line right now. While it's great to have new blood, new ideas, new energy, the basic truth is, you still have to produce your products safely and on time. TWI Job Instruction is the tried and true method for quickly training your new employees on production tasks.
The practice dates back to World War II, but the methods have been continually revised, and they remain accessible and relevant today. Just as during that time, many new workers are currentlyt flooding factory floors and need to learn new tasks in unfamiliar environments quickly and safely.
The step-by-step TWI JI process develops the skills people need to do the job the one right way every time. It helps new employees catch on quickly, and improves the performance of experienced employees. It ensures trainees remember the correct way to do the job, and allows them to perform consientiously and consistently. This is a foundational skill for supervisors to stabilize processes and sustain standard work.
Since we know defects can often be traced back to improper training, TWI is an important tool to make sure that your new employees are bringing value to your production floor as quickly as possible. When your traininers use the TWI method you get solid results. Learn more about TWI at this link.
Let us develop a TWI Job Instruction program for your facility. Contact Steve Lockwood if new employee training is what's holding up your progress. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..