Training Within Industry is a time-honored best practice training program to ensure that your staff gets trained quickly, correctly, and consistently.
Training Within Industry, TWI, is a dynamic program of hands-on learning and practice, teaching essential skills for supervisors, team leaders, and anyone who directs the work of others. TWI is an essential element of Lean and continuous improvement programs around the world. Its proven methods:
- Generate cooperation and positive employee relations
- Teach supervisors how to quickly and correctly train employees
- Establish and maintain standardized work
- Improve methods
- Solve problems efficiently and effectively
- Create a safe work environment
TWI identifies three primary roles of supervisors:
- The supervisor as trainer / developer of his / her people
- The supervisor as improver of workflow and productivity
- The supervisor as leader of his / her people
The three individual training programs in TWI -- Job Instruction, Job Methods, and Job Relations -- are focused on each of the above roles. Each supervisor learns (or relearns) the skills involved in world-class job instruction, job methods improvement, and job relationships as he or she participates in the TWI workshops.
While TWI has been most widely applied to manufacturing operations, it is equally successful in the construction, medical services, and hospitality industries. Training Within Industry also has a long history of success in union and non-union environments in a wide variety of industries.
Contact Steve Lockwood.
Certification from this program requires full attendance, participation, and completion of all assignments. Extensions and make-ups may be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Job Instruction (TWI JI) is the most efficient employee development program to:
- Reduce your training learning curve for any job by an average of 50%
- Reduce safety incidents and costs by 25%