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Safety is no accident.

Businesses spend $170 billion a year on costs associated with occupational injuries and illnesses -- expenditures that come straight out of company profits. OSHA compliance is the bare minimum. 

Organizations with stronger safety programs are more profitable for a variety of reasons including lower costs associated with injuries, lower turnover, and higher efficiency.

Safety Assessments

CITEC offers workplace safety assessments that identify hazards in your workplace and clarify compliance requirements. The benefits of having a safety assessment include cost savings from avoiding accidents, injuries, illnesses and fines, comfortable inspections, reduced insurance rates, and the development of a safety culture that reduces turnover and creates better functioning teams. Contact Steve Lockwood (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information.

Safety Training

With decades of experience, CITEC Safety Specialists have trained hundreds of people on dozens of topics at companies across the North Country. CITEC or our third-party partners can accommodate your safety training needs on the topics listed below. If there is a topic you don't see listed, please reach out and we can find you the resources you need.


Steve Lockwood
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OSHA Safety Topics

OSHA 10-Hour for General Industry
The 10-Hour General Industry Outreach Training Program provides an entry-level worker general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards in a general industry setting. Participants receive the OSHA DOL General Industry Outreach card upon completion of the course. Topics include hazard identification, avoidance, control, and prevention, fall protection, emergency action plans, fire prevention, PPE, hazard communication, and more. The topics will be adjusted to both meet OSHA standards as well as fit the needs of course participants. 

Lockout Tagout and Machine Guarding
Effective identification and control of hazardous energy will not only save your company money, it may also save a worker's life. Data from OSHA estimates that non-compliance with LOTO causes 120 fatalities and more than 50,000 injuries each year. Improper machine guarding also makes OSHA's top ten each year. Make sure your workers understand how to work safely around machinery. 

Accident Investigation / Job Hazard Analysis
Investigating a worksite incident—a fatality, injury, illness, or close call —provides employers and workers the opportunity to identify hazards in their operations and shortcomings in their safety and health programs. Most importantly, it enables employers and workers to identify and implement the corrective actions necessary to prevent future incidents. 

Slips, Trips, and Falls / Fall Protection
Slips, trips, and falls are a major cause of preventable injuries in the workplace; this training will help participants recognize, evaluate and control slip, trip and fall hazards. Fall protection will also be covered including understanding regulations and standards, identifying hazards, understanding the basics of pre-planning and written plans, which kind of fall protection to use for which circumstances, and the need for a rescue plan. 

Ergonomics / Back Safety and Proper Lifting
Because back injuries are so common, it is imperative that employees learn safe lifting and proper back care. This course covers basic spine anatomy, body mechanics, and posture that can lead to injury, safe back stretching and exercises, and best practices to prevent injury. But back injuries aren't the only injuries we can prevent through awareness. Ensuring safe ergonomics is the best way to prevent accidents as well as long-term repetitive motion injuries. 

Personal Protective Equipment/ Hearing Protection
Many OSHA standards require employers to provide personal protective equipment to protect employees from job related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. This training will cover basic regulations as well as how to properly use and maintain PPE. 

Confined Space
Confined space training is crucial for your company if you have manholes, tranches, vaults, ducts, boilers, vessels, storage tanks, pits, crawl spaces or other unique confined spaces where your employees will need to enter to perform work. Topics include hazard recognition, work practices, atmospheric monitoring, and rescue and emergency requirements. 

Hazard Communication
Volatile chemicals are used daily in various worksites and contexts, and may cause or contribute to many serious health effects, may cause fires, explosions and other serious accidents. The hazard communication standard is always high on OSHA's list of most frequently cited standards. This four-hour training will explain why effective communication concerning chemical hazards is crucial, best practices, classifications, written programs, label format, data sheets, emergency information and more. 

Safety for Supervisors
Supervisors juggle the intersection of quality, production and safety. This short seminar covers topics including developing and building a safety culture, managing performance issues, pre-job planning tools, accident investigation, safety training, and more. 

Developing and Measuring Effective Safety Programs
Employers with effective safety and health training programs benefit from fewer workplace injuries and claims, better employee morale, and lower insurance premiums. This course covers steps needed to create a culture of safety in an organization including determining what kind of safety training is required, identifying safety training goals and objectives, developing and delivering appropriate safety training, forming safety committees, and program evaluation. 

Emergency Evacuation / Fire Protection 
The only way to minimize the effects of an emergency that requires evacuation is to have a plan that every employee understands. This training covers the basic components of that plan as well as OSHA requirements. Fire Protection covers fire extinguisher use and maintenance, indoor material storage, ignition hazards, open yard storage; flammable liquids, gases and explosive mixtures. And, while not a common occurrence, there were 136 active shooter incidents in the US in 2016 and that number continues to rise. This course covers best options for surviving an active shooter incident as well as ways employers can prepare for such incidents. 

Building and Grounds Maintenance Safety
Building and Grounds crews have a wide variety of safety needs including general safety, good housekeeping, proper lifting, fire extinguishers, machine safety, power tool safety, chemical safety, mowers, ladders, vehicles, and more. This training covers the basics and creates awareness in employees to go more in-depth as their workplace needs dictate. 

NFPA-70E Electrical Safe Work Practice / Arc Flash
Electrical safety in the workplace is extremely important. This training focuses on workplace electrical safety and the application of industry-accepted standards to effectively manage arc flash and other electrical shock hazards. The training provides guidance on applying safe work practices to your daily electrical maintenance tasks. 

Respiratory Protection
Workers who use respirators as part of their job responsibilities should take this training which covers the proper selection and use of respiratory protection, fit testing, respirator care and maintenance, and OSHA compliance. 

Effective recordkeeping is the spine of all safety programs and is vital to keeping a safe workplace. This course covers required recordkeeping for your industry, who is responsible for keeping records, how to measure the overall effectiveness of your safety program, how to identify high-risk areas and procedures, how to communicate with management and employees to support safety initiatives. 

Heat Illness
Heat is the leading weather-related killer, ending more lives than hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and lightning combined. Workers need to understand their risks and how to mitigate those risks, and supervisors need to understand how to monitor the weather and their workers to ensure safety. In April 2022 OSHA instituted a National Emphasis Program on Outdoor and Indoor Heat Hazards. Workplaces need to consider whether or not to establish new protocols based on OSHA’s initiative.

Heat-Cold Stress
Working in extreme temperatures poses particular dangers. This training covers how to recognize danger signs in both hot and cold temperatures, how to combat the dangers, how to help a co-worker in distress, and what employers' obligations are to protect workers.

Bloodborne Pathogens
This training is designed for employees at risk for exposure to blood and other bodily fluids in the workplace. It teaches how pathogens are spread, how to avoid exposure and what to do if you are exposed to infectious matter. It also outlines specific procedures and policies that should be in place at worksites. 

Intro to Safety/Developing an Effective Safety Program
Employers with effective safety and health training programs benefit from fewer workplace injuries and claims, better employee morale, and lower insurance premiums. This course covers steps needed to create a culture of safety in an organization including determining what kind of safety training is required (worksite analysis), identifying safety training goals and objectives (hazard prevention and control), developing and delivering appropriate safety training, forming safety committees, and program evaluation. 

Workplace Violence Program / Active Shooter
With workplace violence on the rise nationwide, it is important to know not only how to prepare for and react to an incident or an active shooter, but to have programs in place to recognize early warning signs, and develop prevention and de-escalation strategies. This course covers what is workplace violence, who is at risk, how can hazards be reduced, and active shooter preparation using Department of Homeland Security recommendations. 

Mobile Elevated Work Platforms/Powered Industrial Trucks
2020 is the first time in more than 10 years that OSHA has updated the aerial lift and PIT standard. Beginning March 1, 2020, all operators, owners and supervisors of aerial lift booms will need to comply with a new ANSI standard.